Since the release of Episode VII, the Force Awakens, enthusiasts gave lots of speculation about the identity of Rey. But Disney CEO Bob Iger’s comment, after seeing the early cut of the upcoming Episode VIII, gave up a strong hint that the Father of Rey is Luke Skywalker.
According to Iger, as posted by, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi, otherwise known as Episode VIII, will open in December and I just saw it last week. It’s a great next chapter in the iconic Skywalker family saga. It will be followed by our Han Solo origin film, which is just going into production.”
Take note that Iger told us that “it’s [Episode VIII] a great next chapter in the iconic Skywalker family saga”. If you think about this comment, this is most probably telling us that Rey, as the banner of this next chapter, is also a Skywalker because in the first place, all of the movies are about the Skywalker family saga.